New Franchise: Eleven Inc


<div class=”stats”>LOW: $37,200

HIGH: $1,635,200

7-Eleven’s origins date back to 1927, when an employee of the Southland Ice Company in Dallas, Texas, began selling milk, bread and eggs in addition to the ice blocks. That employee, Joe C. Thompson, eventually bought the Southland Ice Company, turned it into the Southland Corporation, and began opening convenience stores. The first stores went by the name Tote’m, since customers “toted” away their purchases, but in 1946, when the stores’ hours were extended–from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.–they got a new name. Although 7-Eleven stores are now open 24 hours a day, the name stuck.

Financing Options

7-Eleven Inc. offers in-house financing to cover the following: franchise fee, startup costs, equipment, inventory, accounts receivable, payroll

Veteran Incentives
10-20% off franchise fee; special financing

eleven-inc franchise

eleven-inc franchise

Company Profile



Franchising Since

1964 (52 Years)

Corporate Address

P.O. Box 711 Dallas, TX 75221-0711


Joseph DePinto

Parent Company

Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.

Financial Requirements

Initial Investment

$37,200 – $1,635,200

Net-worth Requirement

$100,000 – $250,000

Liquid Cash Requirement

$50,000 – $150,000

Ongoing Fees

<h2 class="" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 6px 0px 0px; padding: 0px; font-size: 1.15rem; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; line-height: inherit !important; cursor: pointer; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-bottom-color: #999999; display: inline-block;" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="right" data-content="<strong>Definition:</strong> The initial fee paid to a franchisor to join their system.<br /><br /><strong>Explainer:</strong> May be a flat fee, or may vary based on territory size, experience or other factors.<br /><br />The franchise fee is an up-front (one-time) cost that a new franchisee pays to the franchisor. This fee is usually due at the signing of the contract and covers the right to use the franchisor's trademarks, name and related business systems.”>Initial Franchise Fee
$10,000 – $1,000,000


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How to Pull Off a Classy Business Party as a Start-Up

Article from

For start-ups, it is important to build those professional contacts. One way to do this is by having a classy business party. Learn how to pull it off.

This article was written by Royce Calvin for –

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Start Your Own Event Management Business in An Incredibly Easy Method!

A lot of people think of starting their own business both online and offline. However, only a few of them become successful by starting their own business. Event management business is a major business area that a number of people dream of starting by them.

It’s a great idea to start event management business because you can earn some quick money if it becomes successful. Keep in mind that there are a lot of things to consider before you begin event management business.

Finding new business is a continuous challenge. Obviously, for those with superior communication skills, an interest and a talent for organization, event management can be a worthwhile business.

To start your own event management business you’ll need the basic knowledge in the field. If you believe that event management business could work for you and make a success of it, here are some vital things to think about prior to start your own event management business:

6 Ways to Start Your Event Management Business

How to Start Your Event Management Business

1. Learn About Event Management Industry                   

The initial thing that you have got to do before starting your event management business is learning about event management industry.

You should have perfect knowledge about the industry and it is vital for the people to know clearly about the job that they do. If you don’t know what you are actually doing, then, you will not be successful and thrown away from the industry by your competitors.

You must know who all your competitors are and what you can carry out to defeat your competitors. You have got to conduct research on which other party planners and companies manage events in your area. Know their strengths and weaknesses so that you can be unbeaten in your business.

2. Have a Plan

Event management business can be a satisfying and gainful chance for somebody who is social, prepared and well planned. This business needs somebody who has a talent for entertaining and organizing events. You must have a plan prior to begin you business and obviously, planning is one of the most initial steps that you should make when considering of starting a business.

Having a standard plan will give you great experience and an opportunity to take pleasure in your business even more. So, make better experience to good use by planning. Planning will aid you to understand how to design and organize events for private and business clients.

3. Do Your Homework

Obviously, none of the people can start a business in a day or after a sleep. People need to think a lot about different aspect of their projected business. They have to do home work on what type of client they need to concentrate on such as private and corporate, what sorts of parties they wish to plan such as birthdays, marriage, anniversaries, kids parties, meetings, retirement parties, receptions, conferences etc, what type of employees they want to hire etc.

Hence, you have got to do homework on a lot of aspects and it can help you to execute you event management business with no stress, worries and mistakes.

4. Hone Your Skills

When you think about starting your own event management business, you should make sure to hone your skills. You will have to deal with a lot of diverse people every day when you precede with event management venture. You should be packed with communication skills, social skills, well mannered, organizing skills etc.

Keep in mind that some valuable skills for a would-be event management planner take account of business management, marketing, and hospitality management. So, make sure that you possess all these skills ahead of starting your own event management project since you may fall short to make a good impact in this field if you lack important skills.

5. Be Flexible

Every event management planner should be flexible with their business. You will definitely face some unavoidable and unforeseen changes during your professional career in event management. It is certain that unexpected changes will arise someday during your event and if you can deal with these changes, you will become a failure. You should be flexible to accept changes and sharpen your skills accordingly.

You require being ready for the quick bashes and it happens in every line of work or business. Those who face unpredicted changes with confidence become professional event management planner. So, ensure that you have the knack to meet changes with no stress and dilemma.

6. Set Yourself Apart From Competitors 

If you wish to become a prosperous even management businessman, you should aim to set yourself apart from your competitors. You have to come up with some unique ideas and effective campaigns in order to be thriving. Think about your strengths and what you can do to make your service unique in the field.

Reflect on what forms of parties you focus on and bring in new ideas than your competitors in the area. Ensure to give emphasis to what makes you unique when you try to publicize your services. You require the capability to make your clients feel happy with you.

Read Also: 101+ Best New Business Ideas 2018 for Entrepreneurs

Author Bio: I am Wayne Cisneros, an experienced freelance writer. My areas of interests are very wide, but mostly I write for educational websites, essay writing websites, journals and blogs. My aim is to share innovative ideas with potential audience and provide useful tips for readers. I used to concentrate on all sorts of academic writing especially with regard to custom essay writing service.

The post Start Your Own Event Management Business in An Incredibly Easy Method! appeared first on Fincyte.

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25 Profitable Small Business Ideas in Saudi Arabia 2018

It is a known fact that Saudi Arabia is the largest producer of oil in the world. The country processes around 25% of the petroleum reserves of different countries of the world.

Despite of these oil riches, the government of KSA always encourages the growth of private sector. In this way, the dependence of the country on oil can be reduced. As a result, the business owners are opening up more and more firms. Thus the employment opportunities are also increasing in the country.

The population of Saudi Arabia is also growing, since more people are moving to the country. Therefore starting a business in KSA can be a great move. Some of the best small business ideas in Saudi Arabia in 2018 are as follows:

25 Small Business Ideas in Saudi Arabia 2018

Small Business Ideas in Saudi Arabia

1. Financial & Professional Services

The banking sector of Saudi Arabia is quite stable. The country did not face much disruption even at the time when there was a global financial crisis.

Tadawul, the Saudi Stock Exchange is presently the largest stock exchange in the Gulf region. It is keen for attracting foreign participation, though up to a limited level. The stock exchange also remains interested in developing the derivatives market as well as for starting up future markets to sell the products other than oil. Therefore, it can be a great business idea to start in Saudi Arabia.

2. Agriculture Business

Seeing “Agriculture” as a business startup idea in Saudi Arabia is definitely surprising, since you wouldn’t have heard about it before. Well, it’s true that the soil and climate of KSA does not support most of the food crops.

However, there are some of the food crops that still survive in spite of the harsh atmospheric conditions of the country. The examples are wheat, barley, date palms, etc.

Going for a startup of the business of wheat in Saudi Arabia is one of the unique business ideas in Saudi Arabia in 2018. You can earn a lot of money by cultivating wheat and barley both on medium and small scales.

3. Healthcare Business

The sector of healthcare is flourishing constantly in the country. This is because the government is continuing to finance the healthcare for the growing population of the country.

KSA has one of the largest markets for selling the medical products and the healthcare equipment in Middle East. There is a thought of catering the unmet demand of healthcare services throughout the Middle-eastern world. So it can be a great business opportunity in Riyadh and other cities of Saudi Arabia.

4. Tutoring of English language

The interaction of Saudi Arabia is continuously increasing with the Western countries. Many qualified professionals are coming from foreign country to work in different firms of Saudi Arabia. For that reason, the people of Saudi Arabia are in a great need to learn the English language.

Having a grasp of both the languages, i.e. English and Arabic, you can earn a handsome amount of money by arranging “English Tutoring Sessions”. It is a great idea for business in Saudi Arabia without sponsor.

5. Honey and Beverages

There is a great demand for purified honey as well as the processed beverages in the country. Therefore, there is an excessive potential in such a kind of business.

People consume honey in Saudi Arabia because of the therapeutic advantages. Almost every citizen of Saudi Arabia takes honey as least once a week. You see, how lucrative it would be to sell the product!

6. Home Cooking Services

Home cooking services is one of the latest trends that the women of Saudi Arabia have started to adopt. If you are a housewife, you can spend your time in a very productive way. If you are good at cooking, then it’s going to be great.

You can start selling the dishes from your neighbors and the people you know. Later on you can expand the business. Once you earn a good reputation, you will surely start getting more and more orders and your business will be expanded. It is one of the best small business ideas in Saudi Arabia in 2018. According to Forbes, there is a great role of women in starting up new businesses in the country.

7. Solar Energy

You all know about the extreme hot climate of Saudi Arabia. This climate is perfect for the production of solar energy. The Government of KSA also encourages the investments made for the creation of solar power as an alternative source of power; thus reducing the pollution produced by fuel consumption.  It can be a great business idea to make an investment in the sector of the production of solar energy.

Related: How to Start a Solar Energy Business?

8. ICT

Saudi Arabia has one of the largest markets of Information Technology in the Middle-Eastern world. The enterprise and consumer end markets are strongly growing.

There is a tremendous public investment on education and health. This is paving the ways for the systems of advanced security and technologies in KSA. In short, the value of IT market is rapidly growing in the country. Therefore, a business startup with the background of ICT can be the most potential ideas in the present year. You can pursue this as an online business idea in Saudi Arabia, as well.

9. Water & Wastewater

As mentioned earlier, the climate of Saudi Arabia is very hot. This hot climate encourages to access the new sources of water and to find ways of utilizing the water in a more effective and efficient way.

The industry of water in the country is a major user of energy; thus creates the carbon impact that needs to be seriously tackled. This is offering great opportunities to the companies and the people willing to startup a business related to the water and waste sector in KSA.

10. Hookah bars

Usually the youngsters seem to be more interested in such a kind of business. However, it cannot be taken as a general rule. The young people of Saudi Arabia mostly prefer hookahs rather than having alcohols. The business of Hookah bars in Saudi Arabia is legal and it is growing. You do not need a great initial investment to start this business.

Need more business and investment opportunities in KSA? Here are more small business ideas in Saudi Arabia in 2018 that have a lot of potential, are as follows:

11. Services of wall mural painting

12. Food Trucks business

13. Business of Food Delivery

14. Dates’ export business

15. Business of Perfumes

16. Business of Mobile phone accessories

17. Services of home maintenance

18. Business of Online Grocery

19. On-demand business of health control

20. Services of event management

21. Clothing and other accessories store

22. Building materials’ sales business

23. Estate management business

24. Construction and healthcare firms

25. Business of luxury goods

The first thing you need to startup your business is the courage. There are many business stories that can motivate you not to lose hope even in the worst scenarios. Good Luck!

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The post 25 Profitable Small Business Ideas in Saudi Arabia 2018 appeared first on Fincyte.

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